


Accounting Consulting, Micro and Small Companies, Mortality of MSEs


The mortality of Micro and Small Enterprises (MPEs) has been the subject of studies in the academic environment, however, little can be said about the relation between accounting, the academic training of professionals, consultancy and the survival of MPEs. In this way, the present study aimed to evaluate the accountants' perception about sustainability in MPE and how the accounting consultancy could assist these companies in maintaining their activities. 12 semi-structured interviews were carried out with professionals representing accounting firms, and the analysis of the data captured in the interviews was carried out using content analysis techniques. The results pointed out as the 6 main causes of the high mortality rates faced by MPEs, from the interviewees’ point of view: bureaucracies related to the market; financial difficulties faced by companies; high tax burden; entrepreneur’s inability to manage; economic situation in the country; and change of branch and / or size of the entity. Still, it was observed that these indexes can be mitigated through the provision of the accounting consultancy service, especially with regard to prior planning, before the opening of the company.


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