


Family business, Smoothing results, Management accounting, Finance


The aim of the study was to verify the influence of the family ownership structure in the smoothing of results of publicly-held companies listed in B3, in the period from 2013 to 2017. First, descriptive analysis, cross-tabulations, Chi-Square statistics, Kruskal test were performed. Wallis and later logistic regression. The results show a gradual increase in the number of companies that adopted smoothing practices in the investigated period. This result may indicate that these same companies have shown low profitability in the period in question, masking losses and smoothing results. It was also found that the type of family property is the majority among the companies surveyed. Family businesses tend to adopt a conservative management, which can contribute to smoothing results. Reporting less profit to investors, they manage to maintain the centralized succession policy, in which less dividends are paid to third parties and family capital is protected.


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