


Prospectus Theory, Financial Situation, Risk Propensity, Certainty Effect, Reflex Effect


The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of the variable financial situation on the propensity to risk in the field of gains and in the field of losses. In this case, 87 students and former undergraduate and graduate students from the Accounting and Administration courses at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) participated in the study. Respondents gave their opinion about their risk preferences in two scenarios with identical questions, but simulating different financial situations, namely: low financial condition (scenario 1) and high financial condition (scenario 2). The Wilcoxon test was used for analysis. Participants were more prone to risk in scenario 2. The differences between scenarios were statistically significant at 0.00% in the field of gains and 4.7% in the field of losses, indicating that the greater the individual's wealth in relation to the value put at risk, the greater their propensity to risk. The wealth variable also caused anomalies in the certainty effect and in the reflection effect of the prospect theory, as people were more prone to risk in the field of gains than in the field of losses, especially in scenario 2.


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