
  • Joaquim Francisco de Oliveira Neto
  • Rafael de Lacerda Moreira
  • João Estevão Barbosa Neto



Agency theory, Bibliometric, Sociometric


The aim of this research is to identify and analyze the recent Brazilian research about agency theory. It is a descriptive research using the quantitative approach, in which bibliometric methodology was applied.  An analysis was conducted about the social structural formation of scientific knowledge in this field and social network analysis was used to check the social formation of this knowledge field. Our data was composed of 74 papers published in 26 Brazilian journals in the management and accounting field, published between 2002 and 2015. It was found that the scientific production about agency theory is not concentrated, given that the researcher with more publications on agency theory has only four papers. Regarding the relational structure among Brazilian researchers, it was found a fragmented network that lacks cohesion. The findings demonstrate a research field that is still in a consolidation phase.


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