
  • Simone Carvalho da Rosa Universidade Feevale
  • Dusan Schreiber Universidade Feevale
  • Serje Schmidt Universidade Feevale
  • Norberto Kuhn Junior



Fintechs. Startup. Co-creation of value. Service.


Taking into account the scenario of economic instability, registered in Brazil in 2016, it was possible to observe sectors that presented growth, especially startups, innovative and disruptive business models. In Fonseca's view (2006), startups were responsible for increasing demand for products and services, as well as attracting investors interested in long-term gains, recording a growth of the ecosystem of innovative ventures in 2016.But a phenomenon that has revolutionized the market is the startups linked to the financial sector, called Fintechs. It is from this perspective that the present work aimed to verify if the practices adopted by the startup Nubank next to its clients, are aligned to the model of value creation, proposed by Prahalad; Ramaswamy (2004). Through a bibliographical and documentary research through a case study with qualitative approach, it was identified that the company adopts practices aligned to a management focused on the co-creation of value and experience of its clients, through an innovative, 100% digital service , And which combines high technology with personalized and humanized customer service, resulting in commitment and loyalty to the services offered, seen as an "object of desire" by those who are not yet users of the card. This research not only contributes to an analysis of the need for the adoption of value creation practices that promote the engagement of clients by organizations, but also for the expansion of studies that show the generation of experience, through the quality of services.


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Author Biography

Simone Carvalho da Rosa, Universidade Feevale

Especialista em Marketing pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Mestranda em Indústria Criativa pela Universidade Feevale (2016). Publicitária e Professora dos Cursos de Comunicação e Administração da Universidade Feevale. E-mail:


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