The Effect of Ownership Structure of State-Owned Companies Listed on B3 on Earnings Management


  • Lavínia Gordinho Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)



Earnings Management, Mixed-Economy Companies, Triple Accountability Pressure, Agency and Legitimacy Theories, Political Costs Hypothesis


Companies seek to address environmental demands and reinforce their legitimacy through accounting records. However, the discretion in the choice of accounting practices by managers can generate informational asymmetry and conflicts of interest among stakeholders. This study investigated whether the ownership structure of mixed-economy companies intensifies Earnings Management (EM), taking into account pressures from the market, the state, and society regarding managers' accountability. Agency, Legitimacy, and Political Costs theories provided the theoretical framework for the analysis, as well as the influence of majority elections in the year under study. Through multiple regression with 2018 data, no statistically significant relationship was found between mixed-economy companies and EM. This is due to the lack of statistical significance in the coefficient associated with this variable in Dechow's (2012) EM model. Therefore, it cannot be asserted that mixed-economy companies engaged in EM more prominently due to their ownership structure in the sample and model used. The research has limitations, such as the analysis period, and suggests additional approaches in future studies.


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