New Accounting Treatment for Leasing: Impact on the Financial Indicators of Brazilian Companies in the IBrX50
CPC 06 (R2), Lease, Financial Indicators, Event studyAbstract
Before the new leasing standard, US$ 3 trillion in off-balance sheet obligations were identified. The standard now requires uniform accounting treatment for the lessee's financial statements, eliminating the differentiation of leases, which can contribute to reliable accounting information. The objective is to evaluate the impact of the new leasing treatment by CPC 06 (R2) on the financial indicators of companies, and its effects on the capital market, to test the hypothesis that the market incorporates information from the standard. The literature deals with financial indicators, but does not investigate the effect on the stock market. The method includes the analysis of indicators before and after the adoption of the new leasing treatment, and an event study. The results show that there was a negative impact on 78.2% of the indicators, corroborating previous studies. The event study showed that the market incorporated the new information, resulting in a negative adjustment in the stock price. The contributions reveal evidence that the standard allowed the assessment of the adverse equity effects arising from leasing transactions, which were not known to the stakeholders. These results are consistent with the idea that management may communicate bad news due to compliance with the rules. Finally, the greater information content favors analysts' forecasts, risk assessments, and financial performance of companies that apply the new lease treatment.
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