



Lease, IFRS 16, Financial Information


This study aimed to analyze the changes brought by the International Financial Reporting Standards 16 (IFRS 16) and its influences on the financial information republished in 2019, referring to the year 2018 in the airline transport (Azul and Gol) and retail sectos (GPA and Raia Drogasil). IFRS 16 changed the accounting for operating leases, which were evidenced only in the explanatory notes, as guided by the former International Accounting Standard 17 (IAS 17), bringing them into the balance sheet of lessees’ assets and liabilities. In this study, by means of documental and bibliographical research, the evolution of the financial statements of the companies was analyzed through vertical and horizontal analysis, after considering the accounting of IAS 17 operating leases within their balance sheets. The results show that the capitalization of operating leases in the accounting resulted in a positive variation in the assets and liabilities of the companies analyzed. The net income of the companies Azul, Gol and Raia Drogasil and the net result of GPA’s continuing operations were also negatively impacted because of the replacement of leasing expenses by depreciation and finance expenses, related to leasing. This replacement led to increases in the companies' operating income, however, due to the increase in financial expenses, the financial results decreased.


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