Ownership Structure and Added Value: An Analysis of Companies Listed in B3's New Market Segment





Ownership structure, Added value, Remuneration of own capital


The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which ownership structure affects the generation of wealth and its distribution to owners. Based on a sample of 134 companies listed in the Novo Mercado segment that presented financial information for the year 2017, Student's t tests and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed on the total value added and its distribution to shareholders. Then, a multiple linear regression analysis is applied. The results show that, despite the concentration of ownership, there is no predictor of added value and its distribution to owners, companies with the presence of a majority shareholder distribute more wealth to owners, in the media. It is also confirmed that the generation of total added value and distribution to owners is negatively affected by family control and positively by the State. Finally, it is evident that state and institutional controls positively affect the distribution of wealth to owners. The results provide a better basis for the analysis of investors, especially those who prefer companies that have the characteristic of remunerating shareholders in the form of dividends and juries on equity.


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