Accessibility, Special Education, School Inclusion, Assistive Technology, DiagnosisAbstract
Law 13.146/15 advanced the legal protection for people with disabilities in Brazil, guaranteeing them legal protection. However, the inclusion of these individuals, especially in education, still faces challenges such as ableism, which perpetuates social and educational exclusion. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of accessibility in educational institutions, the absence of accessible didactic-pedagogical materials (ADPM), and the scarcity or lack of resources and services for assistive technology (AT). According to Decree 10.645 (Brazil, 2021), AT is essential for autonomy and inclusion, offering solutions tailored to the specific needs of people with disabilities. Additionally, ADPM are also crucial, as stated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Brazil (MEC/Seesp, 2000), to meet the special educational needs of students and facilitate their learning. This study investigated the availability of AT and ADPM in the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education in Brazil, using a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive methodology. The study involved members of the Centers for Assistance to People with Specific Needs (Napnes) and other professionals involved in inclusion. The results showed a significant lack of AT and ADPM resources, compounded by the lack of qualified professionals and financial resources. Thus, the improvement suggestions include creating positions for specialized professionals, continuous training, increased investment in AT and ADPM, as well as the formation of a Management Forum for Inclusion and a National Observatory to monitor and enhance educational inclusion policies.
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