Social organizations in Guanambi-BA: contributions to the strengthening of the countryside people


  • Wisley Miranda Pereira Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, Guanambi, Bahia - Brasil



Field Education, Social Organizations, Public Policies, Agroecology, Countryside people


The objective of this research  is  to  understand how Social Organizations contribute to the strengthening of rural people  in  the municipality  of  Guanambi - Bahia,  seeking to  identify their  collaborations and  difficulties faced  in this scenario. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative methodological  approach of  the exploratory field type was used,  which sought to know,  list  and  discuss the contributions and  challenges that Social Organizations have been exerting with rural people. A “snowboll” sample was also used, which in the  face of the semi-structured  interviews,  it  was  noticeable that  it  would be adding  to  the work. The  research was  carried  out in the municipality  of  Guanambi – Bahia, using  two Social Organizations  that  work  in favor of rural people,  such as: Centro de Agroecologia no Semiárido –  CASA; Union  of   Agricultural   Workers   and   Rural   Farmers The instruments used during the research were the semi-structured interviews as stated above, the field diary, an important note-taking tool and the photographs, which were taken by the researcher. The theoretical contribution is based on areas of Rural Education, Agroecology and Public Policies, important aspects that in the course of the research will be evident and discussed by the research subjects and theorists who approach this theme. Therefore, in view of the interviews with the subjects, the analysis of the data collected and the entire methodological course, it was concluded that there are numerous actions, programs and rights that Social Organizations have been conquering and working together with rural people, and that policies Public services are the greatest tools in guaranteeing and achieving such feats.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, W. M. Social organizations in Guanambi-BA: contributions to the strengthening of the countryside people. Revista ComCiência, uma Revista multidisciplinar, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 11, p. 202–218, 2023. DOI: 10.36112/issn2595-1890.v8.i11.p202-218. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.