Literacy in the early years of elementary school: an internship experience as research in a 3º year class


  • Ana Mirian Malheiros Silva Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Elismarcia dos Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Maria de Fátima Pereira Carvalho Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Sirlene Prates Costa Teixeira Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB



Internship as research, Teaching Learning, Teacher training, Literacy


This  report brings an experience  lived  in  the discipline Research and  Internship III: initial years  of  elementary education of the  Pedagogy course, at the  University of the  State of Bahia (UNEB), Campus XII,  in  which activities of  participant observation  and shared  teaching were carried out in a class of  3rd year of a Municipal school, in the district of Mutãs. The study seeks to reflect on literacy  practices  in the context  of a  pandemic.  After two intense years  of  COVID_19,  educational  institutions returned  t o  face-to-face  classes,  making   evident  the consequences  of  the remote teaching modality, which did   not   include all  children   in  basic   education  in  teaching-learning.  The  methodology  is a  qualitative approach  (PRODANOV and FREITAS,  2013)  in which  it   enables  a  dynamic  with  the   subjects   involved.  For   data   collection   we  used  the field diary,  participant observation  and  shared teaching. In terms of theoretical support, we analyzed the Base Municipal Curricular de Guanambi (BMCG), as well as the contributions of authors such as Lakatos and Marconi (2003); Pimenta (2011); Ferreiro (1993), Folquitto (2018), Menezes (2015), among others. The results of the experience show that children in the literacy process, after returning from face-to-face activities, have difficulties, since most of them did not have access to remote teaching, so they did not go through early childhood education, having a direct jump to the 3rd year of elementary school. It was also evident the importance of the internship as research in the early years of elementary school as a place of dialogue between the university, the school and society and, mainly, a space for teaching learning.


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. M. M.; SANTOS, E. dos; CARVALHO, M. de F. P.; TEIXEIRA, S. P. C. Literacy in the early years of elementary school: an internship experience as research in a 3º year class. Revista ComCiência, uma Revista multidisciplinar, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 10, p. 15–20, 2023. DOI: 10.36112/issn2595-1890.v8.i10.p15-20. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.