Gender relations in youth and adult education: what do studies and research say?
Research, Studies, Gender Relations, Youth and Adult EducationAbstract
This work is an insection of the scientific initiation-IC research, developed at the State University of Bahia Campus XII in the period of 2021/2022. In this sense, this experience report aims to analyze the studies and research on gender relations in Youth and Adult Education - EJA in the capes theses and dissertations catalogue, aiming to understand how the relationship between men and women in the EJA takes place, the main factors that led young women to drop out of school, what made them return to school, what obstacles were put along the way, among other issues. Therefore, theresearchpoints the divergences between work, education and motherhood present in the lives of young women and the emergence of the need for choice, and it is necessary to give up schooling in to devote to the unforeseen events that require more attention in their ways and trajectories of life.
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