Between struggles and resistance: the challenges of education for youth and adults in the alto sertão da Bahia


  • Joseane de Jesus Souza Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Maria de Fátima Pereira Carvalho Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB



Youth and Adult Education, Teacher Training, Experiences and challenges, Struggles and Resistances


This text is the result of the experiences lived in the study group “Insertion of Pedagogy students in EJA: University extension as a bridge of learning, teaching, interacting and reflecting, during the period from May to December 2021. university extension made it possible for students of the Pedagogy course to understand how the exercise of teaching happens in youth and adult education classes, more specifically in the I Segment of Elementary Education, from the dialogues, reflections, studies and sharing of experiences of teachers and professors who work in the EJA classes, in the municipalities linked to the Sertão Productivo da Bahia. In addition, it incited research in the field of youth and adult education at graduation. The methodology was based on the perspective of qualitative and dialectical research in which students, basic education teachers and pedagogical coordinators linked to the project  participated   in   the   study   group,   pedagogical workshops   and   moments   for   experience   reports. The results show that the interaction of Pedagogy students with teachers who work in the field of EJA in the municipalities surrounding Guanambi provided many learning experiences for the field of pedagogue training.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, J. de J.; CARVALHO, M. de F. P. Between struggles and resistance: the challenges of education for youth and adults in the alto sertão da Bahia. Revista ComCiência, uma Revista multidisciplinar, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 9, p. 226–231, 2023. DOI: 10.36112/issn2595-1890.v7.i9.p226-231. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.