Growth potential of Mulungu (Erythrina velutina WILLD.) seedlings in different substrates
Caatinga, Forest, Semiarid, LegumeAbstract
Due to the notorious importance of the mulungu, this work aims to select the substrate that provides better growth traits in mulungu seedlings. For this purpose, the seeds of mulungu were collected in the campus of the Federal Institute of Sciences and Technology - IFBA of the city of Barreiras – BA. The design was completely randomized - DIC with 7 treatments and 5 replicates: A - pure sand; B - pure vermiculite; C - organic compound; D- subsoil land; E - sand with vermiculite; F - vermiculite with manure; G – subsoil land with manure. Data were submitted to analysis of variance by software R (R CORE TEAM, 2017) and the means compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. The results show that pure vermiculite can be used to produce mulungu seedlings. However, to reduce production costs, pure sand or sand with vermiculite also have satisfactory results.
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