The education of the field as a right of its collective subjects and as a duty of the state


  • Maryângela Ribeiro de Aquino Lira Lopes Universidade do Estado da Bahia - Uneb



Field Education, Right and Constitutional Duty, Social movements


The purpose of this article is to present the education of the countryside as a right to be respected and guaranteed and as a constitutional duty of the State, through public policies specific to the reality of the field, especially in the current political context of instability and setbacks. For this, the text is structured in three parts: the first presents the historical contextualization of rural education, establishing a parallel between rural education, which contemplates the interests of the bourgeois elite, represented in the field by agribusiness and latifundio and education of the countryside, which turns to peasants and peasants, in the sense of raising awareness and emancipating them for the construction of a new society; the second part highlights the role and importance of social movements for the implementation of rural education and its strengthening, also highlights some legal achievements already consolidated; the third and final part deals with the situation of the current political conjuncture in the face of the capitalist crisis and the challenges posed to guarantee the rights already won and to enforce the duties of the State, only possible through the social movements of the countryside, facing antagonism of class and the consequent correlation of forces, which occurs in the daily struggle of resistance and confrontation, in the perspective of breaking the current system and building a new society. In order to do so, he used theorists who deal with the issues mentioned, such as Arroyo (2011), Azevedo (2007), Caldart (2005), Fernandes (2002; Molina (2005) among others. Bibliographic research was used as a methodological procedure. It should be emphasized that the work presented here has its importance in highlighting the education of the countryside as a right and duty of the State and as one of the instruments of resistance and confrontation with the neoliberal project and of affirmation of the counter-hegemonic project of a new society.


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How to Cite

LOPES, M. R. de A. L. . The education of the field as a right of its collective subjects and as a duty of the state. Revista ComCiência, uma Revista multidisciplinar, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 57–63, 2023. DOI: 10.36112/issn2595-1890.v4i1.p57-63. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.