Reasons that get you to jail and philosophies to endure



Ensino de Jovens e Adultos, Prisões, Filosofia


This experience report is a narrative about teaching within prisons, in a context of teaching incarcerated youth and adults. The report seeks to explore the polysemy of why one goes to jail, questioning the different paths that individuals take despite similar feelings, fruits of the organization of social inequality and distribution of punishment. In addition, since it is a narrative of a philosophy class, it also discusses how to bear the cloister and the positions taken by the prisoners from the Hellenic philosophies that are guided by the premise of how to find happiness. The report highlights the sensitivity of teaching in spaces deprived of liberty, the difficulties they involve, a dissident attitude of teachers who dedicate themselves to this field, as well as the joys and happiness that come from this meeting.


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Author Biography

Alex da Rosa, Pontífice Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS)

É graduado em direito, filosofia e sociologia, mestre em direitos humanos pela Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC) e doutorando em Filosofia pela Pontífice Universidade Católica (PUC-RS) / Bolsista Capes. Membro do grupo “Guattari, leitor de Lacan”. Foi professor e coordenador do curso pré-vestibular comunitário “Navegar”, hoje atua como professor de filosofia e sociologia. Estuda, dentre outros temas, cosmopolíticas, esquizoanálise e filosofia da ciência.


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How to Cite

da Rosa, A. (2023). Reasons that get you to jail and philosophies to endure. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 3(6), 121–129. Retrieved from



Relato de Experiência (práticas educativas, saberes de mestres populares)