Training process in the UEN Hilda Fernández, San Antonio del Morichal, Gran Sabana



Educational process, Concentrated rural school, Pemon ethnic group, Pre-school phase, primary education


The purpose of the study was to describe the educational process developed in an educational unit, located in the San Antonio del Morichal community, in Bolívar state. This is identified as a concentrated rural school, which offers initial education and primary education, to children of the Pemón ethnic group. To collect the information, the mixed research method was applied, which included a documentary review and a descriptive study with a field design. Content analysis was applied to the documents reviewed and to the semi-structured interview with the key informant. The results showed that classes are taught in the preschool stage of initial education, and the six grades of primary education. Three languages ​​are used: the native language, Spanish and the Portuguese language. Some of the training activities in the Preschool stage are carried out jointly with the three groups and some in a particular way with the children of the third group, as they are the oldest. As for primary activities, the six grades are worked on jointly, through learning projects. Three projects are developed per year. Additionally, cultural and recreational activities are carried out, such as meetings with the elderly. The results of the study indicate that there are no significant differences in the educational process taught in the selected educational unit with that of urban schools. The effort made by the teachers to maintain the customs and knowledge of the Pemón ethnic group to the students was particularly significant; as well as to avoid school desertion, by not having educational centers that allow them to continue their studies at the level of general secondary education and technical secondary education.



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Author Biographies

Gilberto Enrique Resplandor Barreto, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello-Guayana (UCAB)

Profesor de Química y Ciencia General. MsC. en Currículo Mención Evaluación Curricular. Doctor en Educación Mención Planificación. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Otaiza Josefina Cupare Castro, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello-Guayana (UCAB)

Sociólogo. MsC. en Gerencia Mención Recursos Humanos. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. 

Elluz Nataly Pernía Fernández, UEN Hilda Fernández (UEN)

Licenciada em Educación Integral. Docente titular UEN Hilda Fernández. 


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How to Cite

Barreto, G. E. R., Castro, O. J. C., & Fernández, E. N. P. (2022). Training process in the UEN Hilda Fernández, San Antonio del Morichal, Gran Sabana . Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 3(5), 426–451. Retrieved from