Obituary Derrida



Deconstruction, Contemporary World, Heritages


This text was written for the opening of the Dossier “Deconstruction and the knowledge of peoples”, organized in partnership with professors Rafael Haddock-Lobo, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Marcelo José Derzi Moraes, from the State University of Rio de January. It is an attempt to present an overview of the problems that deconstruction leads us to think about the proposal of this dossier.


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Author Biography

Emmanuel Biset, Universidad de Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)

Es doctor en filosofía. Investigador Asistente del CONICET y Profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Coordinador del Programa de Estudios en Teoría Política del CIECS (UNC-CONICET). 


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VALENTIM, M.A., Cosmologia e política no Antropoceno, ethic@, v. 19 n. 2 (2020).



How to Cite

Biset, E. (2021). Obituary Derrida. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 2(4), 49–61. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Os saberes dos povos e a desconstrução