Corre-Gira Pombagira

Marias knowledge policy in Being a Woman



Pombagira; Woman; Decoloniality; Corporeality.


The aim of this text is to bring Pombagira to think about women's issues. We listen to this sign to transit through subaltern knowledge and invoke it to think about issues of women's struggle. The pombagira emerges to tie on Being a Woman in the daily life of gender inequality, through the free and transgressive character that it brings with it. Proposing an approach based on the dialogue of knowledge, using the concept of cross as a theoretical-methodological operation, crossing theoretical paths, experiences and ways of feeling/doing/thinking gestated outside the dominant modes, we will seek to question the hetero/patriarchal/white structure and its articulation with the Judeo-Christian modus in the obsession with adjusting individuals to moralizing practices that marked women and the feminine as a symbol of evil. We will include in this plot the subjectivities that involve bodily knowledge in countless possibilities, making its reading from its integrality beyond materiality. Joining these approaches the reading of decolonial studies on feminism, in a reflection that considers the dimension of concrete reality and thinks beyond the ready concepts, traversing paths of a feminism that has no name. In our search for analysis and questioning, we intend to sew new questions on the hem of the Sete Saias de Pombagira and advance in the responses to gender inequality and violence.


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Author Biographies

Clairí Zaleski, Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense FEBF- UERJ

Social Worker, Master's student of the Post-Graduate Program in Education, Culture and Communication in Urban Outskirts, in the line Educação Social Movements and differences at UERJ-FEBF.

Luiz Rufino, Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense - FEBF

Doctor in Education, Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Education of Baixada Fluminense (FEBF) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and at the Graduate Program in Education, Culture and Communication in Urban Outskirts (PPGECC-UERJ).


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How to Cite

Zaleski, C. ., & Rufino, L. . (2021). Corre-Gira Pombagira: Marias knowledge policy in Being a Woman. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 2(4), 143–161. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Os saberes dos povos e a desconstrução