The dance of bate pau: an indigenous dance with portuguese influence?



Folk Dances; Indigenous Dances; Pauliteiros dances; Bate Pau dance.


This study aimed to verify if there was the cultural and popular influence, in this case the Dance of the Pauliteiros, Portugal, in the Terena indigenous dance,  Bate Pau Dance, and the influence of the region of the Municipality  Miranda do Douro, Portugal, in the name of the small town of Miranda, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The methodology used was exploratory research, developed through an informal interview in Aldeia Limão Verde with the village chief and directly involved with the rituals of indigenous dances in the Terena population, and in the Municipality of Miranda do Douro, Portugal, with the bagpipe and drum players members of the Pauliteiros de Miranda group. The results indicate that both dances represent the popular identity of each group, are presented on festive and special dates for each group and represent, in the tradition of the Terena Indians, the moments that precede or end the wars fought. In the Pauliteiros de Miranda, they are more popular parties, but that before, they also represented the struggles and, when performed on the summer and winter solstices, represent the harvest festivities and greet the various rural workers. Dances have always been restricted to men, but in both, there are already women performing them, being a differentiated choreography. It was evidenced that, in indigenous dances, these contain several characteristics of the Pauliteiros' Dance, and it can be inferred to have similar traits and one can infer a strong influence of Portuguese dance in indigenous dance due to the incursions of Spanish pathfinders in lands of the Americas. In case there was the influence of the region of the Municipality of Miranda do Douro in the name of the city of Miranda, MS, it was concluded that there was no correlation, because the reason for the name was only a tribute to a former governor, having been just a coincidence toponymy.

Keywords: Folk Dances; Indigenous Dances; Pauliteiros dances; Bate Pau dance.



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Author Biography

Fatima C D Ferreira Cunha, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS/CPAQ/UCDB)

Pós Doutoranda em Educação pela UCDB, Doutora pela Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto -
Portugal, bolsista do Programa Erasmus Mundus (2018), professora efetiva da UFMS - campus de Aquidauana
(2009). Trabalha com elaboração de projetos na educação indígena Terena. Graduada em Pedagogia pela UCDB. Curso de Filosofia pelo IRPAMAT. Possui Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Educacional pela UCDB. Mestre em Educação pela UCDB - Diversidade Cultural e Educação Indígena.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Cunha, F. C. D. (2021). The dance of bate pau: an indigenous dance with portuguese influence?. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 2(4), 714–736. Retrieved from