Call for publication DOSSIER (2022.2) PRESENT ARCHEOLOGY: Diseases of Power and the Pleasures of the Flesh


PRESENT ARCHEOLOGY: Diseases of Power and the Pleasures of the Flesh


Dr. Alex Pereira de Araújo (UESB – Brasil)

Dr. Federico Abiuso (IHUCSO LITORAL – CONICET y Faculdad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA - Argentina)

Dr. Philippe Sabot (Lille 3 – França)

 This dossier is in charge of diagnosing the present, having as its main path the theoretical machinery developed by Michel Foucault (1926-1984). Thus, the diseases of power amidst the pandemic and issues related to sexuality, gender are part of the reflections of this dossier, which is under the order of Foucault's speeches and thought. From this perspective, we await papers that discuss issues related to the fascist where that ravages the world, the issues related to biopower with regard to the production of vaccines and the obligation to take them, and also the issue of sexuality, gender and family which has sparked an increasingly heated debate in the contemporary world.

  Papers must be sent through the journal's website: